The salmon

The salmon

Habitat: seas & freshwater for spawning
Size: up to 150 cm (depending on the angler also 200 cm)
Weight: up to 35 kg (or much more...)
Way of life: Migratory fish that lives in the sea & moves upstream to freshwater to spawn
Enemies: hydroelectric power plants, water pollution & sometimes Thomas

The chamois

The chamois

Habitat: entire Alps & Schynige Platte
Size: 110-130 cm (depending on hunter's Latin up to 250 cm)
Weight: 30-50 kg (depending on hunter's Latin up to 100 kg)
Way of life: Pack animal, warns others of danger with a whistle
Enemies: boulders, avalanche, lynx, bear & Thomas

The wild boar

The wild boar

Habitat: Europe, Asia, USA, Australia possibly once the Schynige Platte
Size: 130-180 cm (depending on the hunter also over 2 metres...)
Weight: broken open sow 40-95 kg & boar 50-160 kg (or much more...)
Way of life: Omnivorous, adapts excellently to the respective habitats. Lives in mother family groups
Enemies: Hunters & Thomas

The smoker

The smoker

Habitat: Schynige platte & Interlaken
Size: 170 cm (or so)
Weight: is too small for this
Way of life: seasonal, nocturnal
Enemies: vegetarian

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